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Scripts and Functions (v2) • Re: CreateImageButton() - 2023-07-10

I made one dark button ChatGpt coloring over the sashaatx examples. It's not an important job, but maybe I'm sharing it to make someone's job easier.


IBStyles["dark"] := [[0xFF1C1C1C, 0xFF1A1A1A, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF1A1A1A, 1], ; Normal Condition: Very Dark Gray
[0xFF262626, 0xFF1A1A1A, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF1A1A1A, 1], ; On Mouse: Darker Gray
[0xFF2F2F2F, 0xFF1A1A1A, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF1A1A1A, 1], ; Mouse Click: Very Dark Gray
[0xFF626262, 0xFF474747, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF474747, 1]] ; Disabled Light Gray


; =============================================================================================================================
IBStyles := Map()
IBStyles["dark"] := [[0xFF1C1C1C, 0xFF1A1A1A, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF1A1A1A, 1], ; Normal Condition: Very Dark Gray
[0xFF262626, 0xFF1A1A1A, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF1A1A1A, 1], ; On Mouse: Darker Gray
[0xFF2F2F2F, 0xFF1A1A1A, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF1A1A1A, 1], ; Mouse Click: Very Dark Gray
[0xFF626262, 0xFF474747, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0xFF474747, 1]] ; Disabled Light Gray
MyGui := Gui(, "Bootstrap Buttons")
MyGui.BackColor := "000000"
MyGui.MarginX := 20
MyGui.MarginY := 20
MyGui.SetFont("s11", "Segoe UI")
CreateImageButton("SetDefGuiColor", 0xFFF0F0F0)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BtnDarkSmall := MyGui.AddButton("xm ym w80 h24", "Dark")
CreateImageButton(BtnDarkSmall, 0, IBStyles["dark"]*)

BtnDarkBig := MyGui.AddButton("xm y+20 w200 h40", "Dark Button")
CreateImageButton(BtnDarkBig, 0, IBStyles["dark"]*)

; ===============================================================================================================================
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Loads and initializes the Gdiplus.dll.
; Must be called once before you use any of the DLL functions.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#DllLoad "Gdiplus.dll"
UseGDIP() {
Static GdipObject := 0
If !IsObject(GdipObject) {
GdipToken := 0
SI := Buffer(24, 0) ; size of 64-bit structure
NumPut("UInt", 1, SI)
If DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdiplusStartup", "PtrP", &GdipToken, "Ptr", SI, "Ptr", 0, "UInt") {
MsgBox("GDI+ could not be startet!`n`nThe program will exit!", A_ThisFunc, 262160)
GdipObject := {__Delete: UseGdipShutDown}
UseGdipShutDown(*) {
DllCall("Gdiplus.dll\GdiplusShutdown", "Ptr", GdipToken)
#Include CreateImageButton.ahk
;#Include UseGDIP.ahk

Statistics: Posted by hasantr — 14 minutes ago

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