Hi, I'm trying to do the same with v2 but I get an Error: Too many parameters passed to function.
This is my code:
What's wrong?
Thank you.
This is my code:
Hotstring(":?oX:" newHotstring, paste.Bind(path))
What's wrong?
Thank you.
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33
#SingleInstance Force
txtPath := A_ScriptDir "\strings.txt"
If !FileExist(txtPath)
MsgBox, 48, Error, % "File not found.`n`n" txtPath
Loop Read, % txtPath
If (arr := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, "=")).Length() = 2
Hotstring(":XCT*:" Trim(arr[1]), Func("paste").Bind(Trim(arr[2])))
paste(text) {
ClipSave := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := text
Send ^v
Sleep 100
Clipboard := ClipSave
Statistics: Posted by Insaid — Today, 10:54