I would like to know what is the exact meaning of the "V" option
V: Sets VisibleText and VisibleNonText to 1 (true). Normally, the user's input is blocked (hidden from the system). Use this option to have the user's keystrokes sent to the active window.
I need to know if I can use the "S" option to obtain the same result like with the "V" option
What happened in your testing of the change?
What do you want to achieve?
Keyboard hotkeys are still in effect while an Input is in progress, but cannot activate if any of the required modifier keys are suppressed, or if the hotkey uses the reg method and its suffix key is suppressed. For example, the hotkey ^+a:: might be overridden by InputHook, whereas the hotkey $^+a:: would take priority unless the InputHook suppressed Ctrl or Shift. When each Input is started (by the Start method or Input command), it is pushed onto the top of a stack, and is removed from this stack only when the Input is terminated. Keyboard events are passed to each Input in order of most recently started to least. If an Input suppresses a given keyboard event, it is passed no further down the stack.
Keys are either suppressed (blocked) or not depending on the following factors (in order):
•If the V option is in effect for this VK or SC, it is not suppressed.
•If the S option is in effect for this VK or SC, it is suppressed.
•If the key is a standard modifier key or CapsLock, NumLock or ScrollLock, it is not suppressed.
•VisibleText or VisibleNonText is consulted, depending on whether the key produces text. If the property is false, the key is suppressed. See VisibleText for details about which keys are counted as producing text.
If you run and then change the following script, you can see differences in how LShift may be handled.
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33
ih := InputHook()
ih.KeyOpt("ab", "+V")
ih.KeyOpt("{LShift}", "+S") ; Suppressed means that this modifier will not be "recognized"
; ih.KeyOpt("{LShift}", "-V") ; The modifier key is not visible anyway
ih.KeyOpt("b", "-V") ; Not sent to the active window
Statistics: Posted by mikeyww — Today, 06:11