This script keeps giving an error at line 15.
the following variable name contains an illegal character ""A""
Any idea why? Its abusing me :}
the following variable name contains an illegal character ""A""
Any idea why? Its abusing me :}
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
; Define the hotkey (replace CapsLock with your desired key)
SetCapsLockState, Off ; Avoid conflicts if CapsLock is already a hotkey
CapsLock:: ; This line defines CapsLock as the hotkey
WinTitle := "EverQuest" ; Target window title (change if different)
^+!:: ; Detect any key combination (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+)
Loop, FindWindows,, %WinTitle% ; Loop through all EverQuest windows
WinExist("A") ; Check if the window exists (prevents errors)
WinGetHandle, ahk_id, A ; Get the handle of the found window
SendKeysToWindow(ahk_id, A_ThisKey) ; Send the currently pressed key to the window
SendKeysToWindow(hwnd, KeyToPress) ; Function to send keystrokes to a window
WinActivate, ahk_id ; Activate the window (minimized windows will be restored)
Send, {%KeyToPress%} ; Send the specified key
WinDeactivate, ahk_id ; Deactivate the window (optional)
Statistics: Posted by zMarc — Today, 13:18