after using (~) this modifier Lctrl and Rctrl is still blcked
and is it possible to make my script faster and more accurate?
and is it possible to make my script faster and more accurate?
i:=!i ; initiate counter
if ( i = 1 ) {
send, 3
sleep, 1
Click, Right
sleep, 1
send, 1 ; replace with action
i++ ; count increment
else if ( i = 2 ) {
send, 4
sleep, 1
Click, Right
sleep, 1
send, 1 ; replace with action
i++ ; count increment
else if ( i = 3 ) {
send, 5
sleep, 1
Click, Right
sleep, 1
send, 1 ; replace with action
i++ ; count increment
else if ( i = 4 ) {
send, 6
sleep, 1
Click, Right
sleep, 1
send, 1 ; replace with action
i++ ; count increment
else if ( i = 5 ) {
send, 7
sleep, 1
Click, Right
sleep, 1
send, 1 ; replace with action
i++ ; count increment
else if ( i = 6 ) {
send, 8
sleep, 1
Click, Right
sleep, 1
send, 1 ; replace with action
i++ ; count increment
else if ( i = 7 ) {
send, 9
sleep, 1
Click, Right
sleep, 1
send, 1
; replace with action
i:=!!i ; initiate counter
Statistics: Posted by danielmacros — Today, 15:15