#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33.11
runFor := 5 ; Seconds
every := 20 ; Seconds
SoundBeep 1500
Space Up::Reload
SetTimer Go, % 1000 * every
Gosub Go
KeyWait Space
end := A_TickCount + 1000 * runFor
While (A_TickCount < end) {
Send e
Sleep 50
Whenever the While loop iterates, the iteration executes to completion unless other control flow intervenes.
Thank you but can i ask to do it toggle? Like if i press space, then activating script and run for 5 second in every 20 second. And may you do this with my code? I am using this script in a game where i have to take item with E, so the script speed is really important. This code upon too slow, i cant take anything with it. Thx!
Statistics: Posted by zerox — Today, 16:41