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Scripts and Functions (v1) • Re: Toggle Microphone Mute



#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0-beta
#SingleInstance force
TraySetIcon "C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll", 250
A_IconTip := "Microphone Status"

Pause:: {
if (SoundGetMute( , "Microphone") = 1) {
SoundSetMute 0, , "Microphone"
ToolTip "Microphone Mute Off"
SetTimer () => ToolTip(), -1000
TraySetIcon "C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll", 233
SoundBeep 1500, 300
else {
SoundSetMute 1, , "Microphone"
ToolTip "Microphone Mute On"
SetTimer () => ToolTip(), -1000
TraySetIcon "C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll", 230
SoundBeep 500, 300

converted it to v2
addded beep from willzen and tray icon status

thanks <3

This is working well on my work and personal laptops but isn't working on my home desktop. The mics on the laptops are integrated, but I have a Logi USB camera/mic combo on the desktop. Is that potentially affecting things? All devices are on Windows 10, 64 bit, same version of AHK (, etc. I haven't tried the option of using a device ID from page 1 since this worked so well on the other devices.

UPDATE: even though the mics on all devices were just labelled "microphone" renaming the one on my desktop and updating "Microphone" to the new name got it to start working on the desktop as well. Thanks again for posting this GioEarthling2!

Statistics: Posted by mattofamillion — Today, 08:37

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